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Minimal Webfarm Setup
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Author: Jesper Jørgensen
Posted: 1/12/2006 12:42:00 PM

Compatibility note: valid for Sitecore CMS V5.1/5.2

On a webfarm server where you do not have access to the Content Manager Client, you typically only need connections to the web and extranet databases in your web.config. This article shows you how to modify your web.config to only use these two connections. 

  1. Backup your web.config file
  2. Remove all connections except web and extranet under <connections>
  3. Change ref="connections/core" to ref="connections/web" under LinkDatabase
  4. Change ref="connections/core" to ref="connections/web" under TaskDatabase
  5. Remove the <IDTable> section
  6. Remove all databases under <databases> except web, extranet and filesystem
  7. Remove <archives> section from the extranet database
  8. Remove the /*/sitecore/archives section
  9. In <clientDataStore> change ref to "connections/web"
  10. Remove the following sites under <sites>: shell, login and modules_shell
  11. You should disable the UploadWatcher in the web.config:

    <!--add type="Sitecore.Resources.Media.UploadWatcher, Sitecore.Kernel" name="SitecoreUploadWatcher"/-->

  12. Test the site.


New notes (2006-02-24)

If you use Staging module in SOAP mode, notice the following.

Security database should not be removed in step 2) and 6).

In Step 7) you should move archive from Security.

The security database you specify should hold the Sitecore User used for the SOAP request.


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